Achieving Mental Clarity
Achieving mental clarity. What a challenge! To de-clutter, filter through, and gain a deeper level of self-awareness. That is tough stuff. Especially when we are bombarded with all sorts of demands; different stimuli that beep, blink and light up. In particular, I am thinking about social media here. Add on working life and family dynamics then mix in our own past experiences (that seem to rear their head at the most unhelpful of times) and clarity can seem very far away indeed.
Certainly, I struggle with this. I have had days and weeks in which it seems like I can't focus on one thing for longer than a minute. My relationships suffer, anxiety and irritability rise and eventually fatigue sets in.
Managing stress through running, cycling, or spending time in nature helps. In fact, I seek solace in those exact things. Hobbies with friends, (like Kalle who is featured in the photo above), creating room for artistic expression and hanging out in a supportive community also help put things into perspective.
My experience also tells me that to gain a deeper level of clarity we need to foster an empathic and curious relationship with the parts of ourselves that gives us trouble. By diving deeper into our early life experiences and reflecting on how they have affected who we are an internal awareness is formed.
With awareness, a sense of clarity emerges. Clarity over our own emotions, knee-jerk reactions, and behaviours.
If you are looking to attain a deeper level of clarity, reach out for a free 15-minute phone call and we can discuss ways to find greater levels of clarity.