Counselling insights
based on personal experience
Continuing to Develop
To learn more, to grow as a professional and a person while diving ever deeper into the fascinating world of attachment science and how it is related to relationships is a professional commitment I am making.
The Window of Tolerance
As a therapist, I monitor the client’s emotional state and support them in managing the emotions that come up.
Attachment Science: What is it and why is it so useful?
When we as human beings understand we are not alone in our suffering, and that someone cares we begin to understand ourselves in a new and more positive manner. We slowly transform from isolated child to emotionally engaged adult.
Putting the Emotions in Emotion Focused Therapy
Emotions are the way our brain informs us of something important. Essentially our brain is saying: wake up, pay attention: THIS MATTERS!
Couples Counselling: The Emotions Underneath
In my work with couples, I aim to narrow in on the emotional experience of both people in the relationship. To achieve this, I work hard to create an environment in which both members of the relationship feel comfortable sharing. In other words, the most important element I work for is creating a non-judgmental space for you both to come together and then share.
Resilience and Self-Care
“Self-care is an important element of resilience because when we take appropriate care of ourselves, we are more able to meet the challenges life sends our way.”
Putting the Clarity in Clarity Therapy Helsinki
Only when a deeper level of understanding is created, can we begin to explore new healthier ways of behaving and a different manner of feeling emerges.
Arguments, Emotions and Intimate Relationships
Put simply there is no bigger gift you can give your relationship than exploring the emotions underneath the arguments. That's because when we understand what affects our partner at its root, we can support them and be supported by them to a much deeper level. You become truly in sync with each other.
Achieving Mental Clarity
Hobbies with friends like Kalle who is featured in the photo above are great ways to process stress.
My experience also tells me that to gain a deeper level of clarity we need to foster an empathic and curious relationship with the parts of ourselves that gives us trouble.
My experience with overcoming setbacks
Finding balance as a whole person is one of the most overlooked elements to success in one’s sport. Learning to set realistic goals, setting time aside for other endeavours and dealing with setbacks are three elements that I have had to learn how to implement in my life and I would like to share my experiences with you.
A Happy and Balanced Person is a Strong Athlete
Recently I travelled to Ruka for the 34km Karhunkierros trail running event. I put this date on my calendar at the beginning of the year and I wanted to run as fast as I could on the day. I wrote a training plan for myself, mapped out my nutrition and planned my pacing strategy. Ah! The master plan was set, now all I had to do was execute and I was sure to break my best time and finish among the best runners. I even dreamed about winning the event. I had just overlooked one small detail: Life!