The Therapeutic Relationship: What is it and why is it so important

The connection between you and your therapist is the single biggest determinant of therapeutic growth. And by connection, specifically, I mean that you feel the counsellor is responsive and aligned with you while also offering empathic and attuned support.


That is why in my work with individuals and couples I am constantly asking myself: Do I really understand the experiences of my clients from their perspectives? That is also why clients will hear me repeatedly ask them: Do I have that right; am I with you; can you repeat that; help me here because I don't quite understand. This is all aimed at ensuring I am connected with you and your experiences.


Due to its importance a quality therapeutic relationship is the cornerstone of my work. From this base, I aim to provide a calm and stable environment to slow down, share and reflect. Together we can turn our gaze to your way of engaging in relationships and explore how they may be causing you pain. Or we can visit tough, and frightening experiences from the past that might make you feel angry, sad or filled with shame and guilt. Within a strong therapeutic relationship, it is also possible to take emotional risks in the therapy room. An example of such a risk is engaging with one's younger self and offering it the support that may have been missing. Going to these places can feel frightening but I have found that when done the client's emotional landscape begins to shift leading to growth.


The importance of the therapeutic relationship in the process of therapy cannot be overstated. It is the key. If you are interested in hearing more about my approach you can always book yourself a Free 15-minute phone call. During the call, I can tell you a little bit about myself and how I work and then, much more importantly, you can tell me about yourself and what is troubling you. Afterwards, if the connection feels right, we can discuss starting work together.


Continuing to Develop


The Window of Tolerance